Tuesday, August 20, 2024

Get Away From the Debate



Worldly Never Ending Situations. Don’t we ever get tired of running after debates and controversy? People let people down. People debate over things that are full of wrong doing from the start. People have let Aaliyah down & probably Beyonce too. People hurt one another. Get away from it. People need love. We say it’s time for change, but if we don’t change, that change might not ever come. If we don’t move on, we won’t see a brighter future. We waste our time on things that are foolish. Life is passing us by. Debating is like war. Aaliyah has done what she has wanted to do and her life has ended. Life was short for her and some of us didn’t learn from that. Let Beyonce be Beyonce. Let her live and answer for her own soul. Pray for the living. I wish I had known to pray for Aaliyah though she was a star. But I was young my own-self and my thinking was not quite the way it is now.

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