Wednesday, July 10, 2024

Tasha Thinks Dame Should Move On



Note:⚠️ The first part of the video I’m sure some don’t want to see. Start at 1.44.  I couldn’t share it getting it to start where it made sense.

Tasha thinks Dame should move on. Maybe he should. He told the world how much he wasn't really into Aaliyah at first. I think he should have kept it to himself. What he had to say on the part about how Aaliyah looked and how he wasn't really interested in her at first didn't sound too good. Then when Aaliyah started looking nice, he wants to get with her. Aaliyah sounds like a bet between him and Jay Z according to his story. But Jay Z isn't saying anything. He moved on and got with Beyonce. Dame moved on as far as getting someone else. But he's not over what happened between him and Jay Z business wise.

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