Wednesday, September 7, 2022

Is Aaliyah Alive or Dead?⁉️

 God has spoken to me about Aaliyah more than once. Sometimes when God tells you that a person is not dead, He may mean that they are either spiritually or physically alive. A person can be either spiritually dead or physically dead as well. Even when they are physically dead in hell or soul with God (heaven) they are not dead either way. How is that? It is because the soul never dies. Consider the parable that Jesus told about the rich man in hell and the poor man Lazarus in heaven (Luke 16). The rich man knew he was burning in hell and saw Lazarus in heaven. 

Is Aaliyah Alive or dead? It is said that some of her fans think and say they see her. There are people that do not believe that she got on the plane that crashed. All I can say is I believe spiritually she is alive because of a vision. But to say whether she is actually walking around physically alive on earth, I do not know. 

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