Tuesday, July 9, 2024

Was The Plane Really Overloaded?

 Was Aaliyah’s plane really overloaded or was it the pilot? Which one? They make stories of a celebrity’s death really sound big and horrible, but the stories don’t make sense or add up after a while. I’ve been thinking. They tell a little piece of the story here and there like it’s entertaining to keep the audience coming back. 

One day it’s one thing and the next day something more is added on to the story. How much money are they making off those tabloid videos and stories? Why don’t they tell what they know in the courtrooms? Where is the real investigation? Why were some things swept under the rug in the first place? None of it makes sense. People need to come on with the come on. A death is not a game. It’s not Hollywood. It’s not a movie to enjoy. If it has been, it costed Aaliyah her life and career. I see why Aaliyah left everyone alone in the end. It didn’t seem like anyone was on her side. Why didn’t someone get up off of their hind point to go get Aaliyah when she didn’t trust the plane? Aaliyah knew.

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