Thursday, June 13, 2024

Did Aaliyah Speak On The Dark Side For A Reason?



Aaliyah did mention GOD. Some won’t even mention the name God at all. No kind of shape, way, or fashion. She did mention HIM, and she did thank HIM. Aaliyah said she thanked GOD for every single chance she got about her career. 

As Aaliyah began to move higher, she had things to say about the dark side acting in the movie Queen of the Damned. She mentioned the fascination with the dark side. She said it was fun to go to the movies and escape deep into the whole fantastical characters. She said she’s always loved the dark side. She said she thinks it’s something secretly everyone longs for and wants. 

I do not believe that Aaliyah longed for and wanted evil. Aaliyah didn’t love hurt, pain, and agony. She didn’t like suffering and you can tell. Was Aaliyah supposed to say all of those things she said about the dark side to make it to the top? I really don’t question her. I question Hollywood. They have a certain way for people to say things in Hollywood. They have them say things in a way where it sounds good, but it sounds dark if you really pay attention. 

Yes, it’s fun to go to the movies. Yes, we scream and cover our faces maybe watching Chucky not knowing what evil is going to happen next, but we know it’s coming. We walk out of the theater knowing it was all just entertainment. Is the dark side in a movie secretly what we long for and want? No, not in our lives. If we wanted it, we don’t have to seek it in a movie. It’s there easy to get. We leave it on the movie screen. Hollywood is fake and make you talk about things like it’s real life. They can say something in a way that can go either way. Real or unreal. 

Did Aaliyah say what she said about the dark side for a reason? Did she mean it from the heart or did she mean it to just make it to the top? If Aaliyah meant it from the soul, you best believe she would be here right now with all of the rest of them selling their souls, murdering, stealing, gambling, and whatever there might be that’s going on. If Aaliyah was a part of any ritual, baby girl wouldn’t be gone. The devil would not have been chasing her.

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