Sunday, January 28, 2024

Parents in Reality Over Their Children


If I had been one of those girls that was with R. Kelly, and if he was doing the things they said he has done, my mom would have either killed him and went to jail, or he would have been in jail right from the start. My mom would have been furious

If any of my uncles, aunts, brothers, and cousins would have found out, they would have been sure to tell my father, and they would have gotten together to get R. Kelly. 

All of my grandparents in the past, if they had been alive, would have been angry and would have called my mom and dad. The news would have spread around town. The news would have spread all the way to another state. Kin folks would have been calling from New York, Philadelphia, and other places.

If R.Kelly’s daughter would have been with a guy like himself (R. Kelly), he would have been ready to kill somebody too, if he had love for his daughter as a father. 

However, I know my mom would have been the one on the frontline waiting for R. Kelly to come out of his house. Knowing how my mom was, she would have chased him down the street in her car. She would have been the Surviving R. Kelly show that would have made it in the news. 

My mom always warned me of men. She didn’t play. She didn’t care if you were family. My mom was a very protective woman over both me and my brother and taught us what to do. When me and my brother were kids, we got laughed at when we ran away from strangers, but we would let them laugh. But one day, people stopped laughing. There were some more parents that were ready to kill somebody over their kids. Neighbors got together and began to talk about the dangers.

I’m trying to tell everybody that in reality, real parents would not have waited so long to get R. Kelly behind bars no matter how big his career was. No matter how famous he was. They would not have been ready to wait with the law. They would not have accepted money to keep quiet. My mom would have gotten on the law too. She would have been saying: Somebody is going to help me get my child or I’m going to kill that man!

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