Saturday, September 17, 2022

It’s Said Aaliyah Never Owned A Car

A leather vest was made with an Illinois license plate on the back for Aaliyah. The picture is seen on the back of her Album, Age Ain’t Nothing But A Number.  The vest may have been made just for fashion. If Aaliyah wasn’t driving at the time it was made, maybe she had in mind to get a car to drive. It is said she never owned a car. I’m wondering did she have a fear about driving. Sometimes fears are things you can feel in the future. Sometimes you can have a gut feeling about things, and your gut feeling can be the truth. 

I don’t know if Aaliyah ever got her license or not, but she looked like she could drive. Aaliyah was a New Yorker. She was probably more brave than me lol 😝. Some things that are being said about Aaliyah I don’t pay no mind to. I know Aaliyah could do something if she wanted to, and I didn’t have to know her personally to know that about her. Some things are just obvious. 

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