Sunday, September 18, 2022

Aaliyah - Induction To The Rock & Roll of Hall of Fame

 Today I signed a petition for Aaliyah to be Inducted to the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame. It’s funny how people that have passed and gone can get into such a thing. I don’t know why I signed the petition. There is still something in my heart and soul that I feel.  There is something still alive about Aaliyah though she is gone.  I know that Aaliyah would probably wanted to be inducted if she were alive, though it might not matter to her soul now. I guess you can say I signed because I never got a chance to do something for Aaliyah while she was living. I never got a chance to know her and chat with her and be the kind of fan she needed. Sometimes I’m uncertain but I guess Aaliyah can see. She wanted to be remembered as a full on entertainer, but in spirit, I know she is more than that and a good person 🥲😒.

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