Friday, August 2, 2024

Bill Bellamy



Bill Bellamy talks about how R Kelly got jealous and stopped an interview that he had with Aaliyah. Aaliyah was in the 9th grade. R Kelly must have really liked Aaliyah, and some guys aren’t use to having a very nice and pretty girl around other men. 😏 They don’t know how to handle it. They are always afraid that some other guy is going to get her. If Bill didn’t do nothing wrong, it’s possible R Kelly couldn’t stand Bill and the way Aaliyah was opening up in the interview. 



Long before I heard Bill Bellamy talk about R Kelly being jealous of Aaliyah, I use to wonder if he was a little jealous
watching this interview on 106 and Park. That might have been why Aaliyah was so shy and maybe had to wear those dark shades. Maybe she had to be very careful. That’s one thing I can’t stand is a jealous man. I can’t stand jealousy out of anyone. You can’t have a good relationship with friends and nobody. Not even family. I HATE JEALOUSY. I have told a few people in my life that if they are going to be jealous, don’t visit me. Don’t come to my house.

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