Wednesday, July 24, 2024

The Music Business Looks Like A Trap For Positive People


The Prince of the Air Is Killing Our Greatest 

For me and my love for music artists, I really began to notice something wasn’t right with the death of Selena in 1995. There was a lot of love for her from fans, but there was hate and jealousy lurking around that we did not see and recognize. I think Selena had other enemies. Not all people will use a gun to kill you. 

Then there were things going on with Aaliyah. She seemed loving and innocent. Her true feelings were starting to show. Fans know when something is not quite right with their favorite stars. She looked as though she was rising to the top. That’s when death seems to come. She died in 2001.

I don’t have to explain about Michael Jackson, Whitney Houston, and Prince.

It seems it’s always the people that can help change the world in a positive way must die. Selena had that affect and Whitney Houston had that affect in her own way. Michael Jackson tried to be positive by showing love for children and singing songs of lessons like Billie Jean and sending out messages against violence like Beat It. He rose high to the top. Prince was more on the sexual side but if he told the world to stop violence, he had an affect on people so much that they would have done anything that he told them. Aaliyah had an affect on her fans too. They all had power and Satan knew. 

The Prince of this world doesn’t want nothing positive. I don’t believe he wants music. He is killing our music with Darkness. I believe the music business is a trap to capture and kill people with good intentions.

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