Tuesday, September 24, 2024

Secrets and Lies Can Destroy


I'm glad people are speaking up about what's going on in the music business. Secrets and lies can have a profound impact on relationships and personal well-being. It can mess up your life if you don't defend yourself. Sometimes not speaking up can do more harm than good. There's a time to speak and a time to keep quiet. Sometimes there is a burden in keeping a secret.

 When you know what happened, it's bad not to report crimes. Keeping that kind of secret can make you isolate yourself from the world because others knew you knew. Some secrets are good to keep and some secrets are not. Keeping a secret can sometimes come back and bite you in the behind. And if you are not guilty, but saw the crime, clear your name because people get things backwards and will say you were involved or lie.

 When someone has been wrong, unless it means going to jail, I think a person should admit their wrongs. If it means going to jail, then I think a person should at least bow the knee to God and ask for forgiveness. He's the main one we always have to answer to.

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