Monday, December 2, 2024

Damon’s Love For Aaliyah


For a time, I was unaware of Damon Dash until Aaliyah's passing. His name kept coming up, and eventually, I saw a picture of him and thought, “So that’s who Damon Dash is.” At first, I didn’t realize he had a relationship with Aaliyah, and I was just starting to learn about her right before she died. Honestly, I was out of the loop about these people, which was unusual for me; I used to be able to recall every Hollywood star and their names. When Aaliyah entered the music scene, my interest in singers had waned, and I sensed changes in musical styles. I also felt my mom drifting away, as she was the reason I loved real music. We both loved watching Jet Li films, and a friend told me about Aaliyah. I wanted to learn more about her

After Aaliyah's death, I was bombarded with various news and gossip about her and her family.  Now, I don’t feel the need to learn more about her because it’s often sad stories. I hear the same things repeatedly. I wish I could have met Aaliyah and got
to know her personally.

It’s heartening to know that Aaliyah was in a relationship. It’s nice to find something positive amidst the sadness. Aaliyah seemed genuinely happy with Damon Dash, and I’m glad she found someone who could bring out her laughter and beautiful smile.


Damon appeared to genuinely love Aaliyah. He didn't seem like the smiling type until I saw him with her. There were moments when they looked amazing together all dressed up. They made a beautiful couple, even when they were just spending time together casually.

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